You’re wake up from a dream, can’t barely get out of the bed and once you do, your motivation is zero. Much like those stormtrooper’s blaster cartridges and their accuracy (0). You will be called lazy, useless and be told to do better. But, you can’t help yourself and its not your fault. You will hear most of society telling you medication its bad for you and you will turn into a zombie. To do better and just get it done. But, they don’t understand, they will never understand because your brain works different than them. You will try your best but, its never enough and are discarded like trash that Luke, Chewie, Leia and Han jumped in trying escape from the prison block.

It doesn’t matter how many techniques you try to learn. Learning organization, control, timing, remembering to do chores more “efficiently” is not the problem because you already know how to do this things. But, you can’t get your brain to agree and have some motivation to do it. Medication its a must have for ADHD people, much like every Jedi/Sith needs their lightsaber. Our medication its like the force to us. Its a must have regardless of your age, symptoms and experience. Depending on your experience, you might have found a coping mechanism but, later in life symptoms can get worse( This was my experience ).

Medication gets my mind in the right place and can actually concentrate, be motivated and more organized. In my experience the medicine gets my mind around 80–97% where it needs to be compared how terrible I was without it. It makes such a difference that when you try the medication, you cry out of happiness and wonder why couldn’t get this help when you were younger. All those times you got yelled at because you had bad grades, couldn’t finish a test or concentrate on doing your homework could had been prevented. You could had achieved more and have your brain worked as much as anyone else who doesn’t have ADHD. But, is not your fault but, the way the medical system is in our country.

It failed us because it tried to mark us as special kind kids and some even threw some religious dreams of grandeur but, we are not special and we are intelligent. Our brains work somewhat like an USB drive and the cable is malfunctioning. We have all the information there and we know about it but, retrieving it and sending it around is the issue. Unlike USB cables we can’t just fix it or replace the cable. We need help and it becomes harder to find a medical professional. Specially if you can’t find someone who understands your background and race.