The Xenomorph Lair

We experiment with Xeno's here
  • Book Reading

    By aoyawale
    Due to having ADHD I always struggled with reading books and I couldn’t concentrate long enough. The only things I been able to read is a few books required in High School and Comics/Graphic novels due to requiring visuals to keep me focused. I went to a local book store... [Read More]
  • Sample blog post to learn markdown tips

    There's lots to learn!

    By Bill Smith
    This is a demo post to show you how to write blog posts with markdown. I strongly encourage you to take 5 minutes to learn how to write in markdown - it’ll teach you how to transform regular text into bold/italics/tables/etc.I also encourage you to look at the code that... [Read More]
  • Reviewing Comics

    Just information

    By Adebisi Oyawale
    Post thumbnail
    Post thumbnail
    Under what circumstances should we step off a path? When is it essential that we finish what we start? If I bought a bag of peanuts and had an allergic reaction, no one would fault me if I threw it out. If I ended a relationship with a woman who... [Read More]